The Smoky Daytime Eye

The Olsen twins are doing it, Kate Moss is doing it, Penelope Cruz is doing it, and Lola wants to do it too dammit!!!

It's the daytime smoky eye. Wanna know how it's done? For your viewing pleasure I've included some video tutorials by the amazing MissChevious, one of the most famous makeup vloggers around. She is Swiss/Canadian and so she blogs in English and German. I've chosen three great looks for you: the sexy Brigitte Bardot version, a very modern look (in German) and MissChevious' signature 3-D Smoky Eye. It's incredible, enjoy and paint those faces! :0)

Lola Re xoxo

The Modern Smoky Eye (in German)

classic smoky eye

The Brigitte Bardot Smoky Eye (in English)

brigitte bardot smoky eye

The 3-D Smoky Eye (in English)

3-d smoky eye

Camilla Åkrans

After seeing how wonderful the below Japanese Vogue shoot with Devon Aoki is, I did some research on Camilla Åkrans, the photographer. It turns out she is Swedish (woo), and amazing. Right now I hope my blog doesn't explode because so help me, I'm gonna post as many of these beautiful pictures as is humanly possible. I made my first thumbnail gallery for you guys using instructions from the Blog Doctor. These Photoshoots are from Numero,Japanese Vogue and German Vogue. Enjoy crickets!

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Lola Re xoxo

Down, Kitty










One of my favorite models ever, Devon Aoki in Vogue Nippon June 2009. Discovered by Kate Moss at 13. Japanese, English and German. Lives in NYC. Acts on the side. Is fierce and snatched (and 5'6"!)

<3, Lola Re



wildfox my boyfriend is a vampire


[wildfox images: tfs ]